Saturday 31 December 2011

X'mas party! [ Part III ]

Lena > Jing da
Jing da > Nic foo
Nic foo > Jan

Janice > James
Cheering going on ' behind the screen ' 
James > Gwendolyn
Gwendolyn > Sipei
Sipei > Sylvester 
Sylvester > Yong chuan 
Yong Chuan > Jian ming 
Jian ming > ME 
Me > Nic 
2 earpiece! 
Nic > Jo
Jo > Ce yuan 
Ce yuan > Kent 
Kent > Zuo heng 
Zuo heng > Lena 

Nic > lena 
Time to chill after the 'chaotic' exchange gifts session
 Human centipede 2
Terrified, totally gross out
Happy, making fun of the scene
See the huge difference ? HAHAHA
That sums up our X'mas party. It was a night filled with fun, laughter and drunkards. 
It was a memorable night for me :) 
On a lighter note, today is 31st! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVE everyone! :) 
Looking forward to a better year, a better day and a better tomorrow * Hopefully, finger-crossed* 
Shall prepare now and head out to meet the rest at Jian Ming house!

Friday 30 December 2011

It's the 30th

It's the second last day of 2011 and i wanted to write a summary of 2011. But, i stop and think and i realise i have nothing to write about. I swear i have short-term memory and it sucks. All i can think of is.. in year 2011, i got in to RP and honesty speaking, i have never thought of going to that school, it was never my option. Oh well.. come to think of it, i did not regret making this choice. I enjoy what i am learning right now and i've made some awesome friends.
Apart from that, i am glad that the bond among our clique is still going strong. I love them so much, they are the bunch of people who i can truly be myself and not caring much when i am with them.
Oh wait, i turned 18 this year. I had mixed feelings for it as when i grow older, i realise nothing beats being a kid. 
Last but not least, 
Dear 2012, 
Please be a good one and i wish all my friends and family members to be in the pink of health and of course be happy, smile more and worry less. 
I know this sound cliche but isn't these two the most important factor in life ? 
Have a great 2012 everyone! :)   

Thursday 29 December 2011

X'mas party! [ Part II ]

8 boxes of pizza + 13 boxes of side orders
 My favourite pizza. This was gone within seconds. NO.JOKE.
Penguin! Whatcha looking at huh ?!
And the rest of the boys are busy playing with PSP

Part III ( Exchange gifts ) in the next post!