Friday 30 December 2011

It's the 30th

It's the second last day of 2011 and i wanted to write a summary of 2011. But, i stop and think and i realise i have nothing to write about. I swear i have short-term memory and it sucks. All i can think of is.. in year 2011, i got in to RP and honesty speaking, i have never thought of going to that school, it was never my option. Oh well.. come to think of it, i did not regret making this choice. I enjoy what i am learning right now and i've made some awesome friends.
Apart from that, i am glad that the bond among our clique is still going strong. I love them so much, they are the bunch of people who i can truly be myself and not caring much when i am with them.
Oh wait, i turned 18 this year. I had mixed feelings for it as when i grow older, i realise nothing beats being a kid. 
Last but not least, 
Dear 2012, 
Please be a good one and i wish all my friends and family members to be in the pink of health and of course be happy, smile more and worry less. 
I know this sound cliche but isn't these two the most important factor in life ? 
Have a great 2012 everyone! :)   

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