Friday 30 March 2012

香港 [ Day 03 ]

Settled our breakfast at a near-by mall 
Typical tourist shot with 'Langham place' signboard! 
It's a shopping heaven too because H&M, Monki and many brands are located there! 
Monki has alot of nice stuffs however it is a little over-price.. :(
HAHAHHAHAHA! *Inside jokes
Oh! Did i mention that when we are inside a mall, I lost my balance while walking on a wet floor and did a split which causes them to burst out into laughter.. 
 Hahaha oh well..#Whatsnew #Failmoments101
Behind the scenes:  
HAHAHAHA No, they are not quarreling
Walked around and saw this! Absolutely love their curry/non-curry fishball!
 DNA Mall
Settled our dinner at a random cafe
Back at our hotel room... What the fuck is he doing?! HAHAHAHA
Nicholas bought this for us again! OMG they are so YUMMY. I'm really craving for it right now. 
Day (III) buys

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