Saturday 14 April 2012

香港 [ Day 05 ]

Last day of our trip in Hongkong :(
Didn't took much pics that day because we were doing some last-minute souvenirs shopping for our friends/relatives.
Literally rushing from one place to another!

 Reluctant to leave our awesome hotel room.. 
*Check out Nic expression! HAHAHAHA! He sucks in doing sad faces!
Breakfast at the same cafe at a nearby mall.
Mediocre food. Reason why we always went there is because of their FREE WIFI!  
This Nic was wearing red from head to toe (almost) 
Good doggie!
Settled our dinner at KFC! Hahahaha ikr, why eat KFC when SG has it. 
BUT it taste differently! They even provide gloves for us! 
 On our way to the airport.. 

At HK airport

Goodbye Hongkong
I'll miss everything there.
The chilly weather, their malls, their food and their CURRY/NON-CURRY FISHBALL! (Major loves) 
A much needed temporary escape from all the troubles, worries etc.
All in all, it was a great time spent together with them. 
All the memories/laughter/silly incidents that we had together, It will be etched inside my heart. Love you guys!
And special thanks to Sylvester for being our 'tour-guide' for the few days. 
*Hop over to Lena Sylvester blog for detailed post/ Hongkong guide!  

We will be back. 

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