Sunday 17 June 2012


 His virgin trip to the park!
Headed to library in the evening to check if they have 'The secret' but
ended up browsing through the Art section and look what I found! 
I can't believe they have these books! 
P.S I made this by *One of my fav DIY blogs!*
WhoWhatWear by  *One of my fav sites too!* 

 Artist's complete problem solver :
Ever wonder how do artist paint cloud, flowers, animals etc in water color ?
Here's how you can do it! All in this book!

 Fashion Branding:
 P.S I made this:
That pretty much sums up how I spent my Saturday morning and evening.
Oh, and not to mention, my night ended up quite well too. Had dinner with my family and an impromptu meet up with @ohmysyl & @Lenakicksass at her house! 
Though something terrible happened, I'm glad that everything is alright now.

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