Saturday 15 December 2012


Headed back to school yesterday night at 10 plus for what I thought is a birthday celebration for Terence. But when I came out from the toilet, holding a loaf of Gardenia bread with candles on it, I saw Terence, who was inches away from me holding on to a sandwich with a small little candle on it too! That astonishment expression on the both of our faces was priceless. Hahaha They tricked the both of us!
 "Happy birthday to.. I don't know whose birthday, but Happy birthday to the both of you"
That was really unexpected, damn! They caught me completely off guard!

I'm so grateful for them in my poly life. They make everything better, instantly.
I have so much to blog about! Lena's 19, outing with Bestie etc! 
If only portfolio submission is not next week!  :( 

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