Monday 31 December 2012

2012 has been..

I reckon this will be my last post for 2012. This year has been...
Honesty, I can't wait for 2013. I strongly believe in a new year, a new beginning.
For some reason, I just want 2012 to end quickly.
What happens in 2012, stays in 2012. I hope I am able to learn from whatever mistake that I have made in 2012 and in 2013, I am able to be a better person/friend/best-friend/daughter/grand-daughter/sister and what not.  
I'm not going to make any New Year resolution too. Simply because I realized I never take it seriously. My New Year resolution has been somewhat the same throughout all these years. Hahaha. Instead, I'm gonna try out something new. Something which  I chanced upon on and decided that I should give it a try!
Now, all I need is a Mason Jar and I am ready to embrace 2013. 
Keeping my fingers crossed nonetheless! 
*Note to self*
Do not dwell on any issues which brings you negativity, get over it and welcome 2013 with an optimistic outlook!

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