Saturday, 1 December 2012


People are just people, they shouldn't have the ability to affect our thoughts, feelings and actions.

We, are the ones that are responsible for it. Just yesterday, i get sad over something which i accidentally found out.
But, when i think back, i question myself. It was such a small issue. Why do i even allow myself to feel that way? Why do i allow a tiny weeny small issue to affect my mood? NO MAN. It shouldn't be this way. We can and we should take charge of our mind, emotions and etc.

Someone/something can't make us feel a certain way unless we allow it to. 

Did a bit of google search and this is what i found. 

 "We enter into every situation with certain beliefs or expectations. Those beliefs and expectations directly influence the way we are going to end up feeling about the event or person." 

Your feelings come from your thinking. 

 "Do you take credit for making yourself happy? How about when you are feeling angry or hurt or rejected or abandoned? It is much easier to blame someone else than to be responsible for your feelings."

Isn't it true? It's time to change. 
Time to be responsible for our own feelings and everything.

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